Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ten Lyrics

August seventeenth
It might be a normal day from the way he brush his teeth
Hit the commons
hit the subway east
Hit the bus
pay the fee
punch the clock
And then once he's off
Try to find time to eat before he sleep

Dropped his breakfast in the kitchen sink
And didn't eat
And it's raining, stepped in a puddle crossing the street

Really set a table for the illness to come eat but when he get off he sleep

Nineteenth now
Find a new way to not grind teeth down
A nervous habit that'll fight each try
So deep he does while he sleep now

It's like him alone cuz he fighting within
With the ice in he dome him a gripe to redeem

And No one is a likely listen with the mice in his home he might be insane

Might be a day sometime when he get better however many hours in the mind game

Unchanged for current time being; fuckers spy on he, Ugly fuck on ID

Never guilty
only couple debt to pay
Devil may
6 Day a week
But on the final day before he drifting off to dream
he gotta
Catch the mystique
Opposing beings each within a funky beat
Wrestling deities in the mind state right before sleep

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